Arise TV is a place where you can join us for church from home. We’ve got some great ways to stay connected, worship God, and learn more about the Bible. Stream services at 8:30AM and 10AM every Sunday, or watch anytime after!


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Suggestions for Church Online

Even though church was meant to be done in person, sometimes we just need to tune in online. But how do we make the most of doing church online without getting distracted? Here are eight suggestions for doing church online well:


Stick to your schedule. Routine is important. It’s usually best to watch church online when you would normally attend church live. If you’re an 8:30am person, watch at 8:30; if you’re a 10am person, watch at 10. Regardless of when you watch...


Make an appointment. Decide when you’re going to do church. Put it on your calendar, whether on Sunday morning or another part of your week.


Start with Prayer. Don’t just sit down and watch like you would Netflix. Take a moment beforehand to ask God to make online church meaningful for you.


Sing the Songs. This might seem awkward, but that’s okay. Turn your volume up if it makes you feel better. God always deserves our worship—so sing!


Watch Together. Watch with your family or perhaps even some close friends. Gather around one screen and worship, learn, and fellowship together. Then talk about it afterwards. At the very least, you can ask, “what did the Holy Spirit give you to talk about?”


Check in Online. A big part of live church is getting together with other people. Participating in an online chat or post-church Zoom call isn’t the same thing, but it is a useful way to experience some community while watching online. So take a moment to at least say ‘Hi’ as you watch.


Intentionally Focus. Shut off unnecessary screens. Don’t try to multitask. Don’t abuse the privacy of watching in your own home. Stop scrolling on your phone as you watch the service. This might even mean having your kids do something else in another room so you can have some focused time with God. Give what you’re watching your full attention.


Teach Your Children. Use the Arise Kids materials to continue to grow and develop your children’s faith. Click here to get started. We’ll continue to support you however we can!


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