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Prospective Elders

Get to Know the Candidates

According to the Arise Bylaws (section 8.1), "All Elders of Arise Community Church must be members who are fully committed and involved in the life of the Church. Eldership is limited to those equipped by God to function in that role, men and women who are: biblically and theologically competent (Titus 1:9-11), servant-hearted and shepherding-oriented (Hebrews 13:17; James 5:14; 1 Peter 5:1-4), respected by God’s People (1 Timothy 3:4-7), responsible and professional in habit and lifestyle (Titus 1:5-9), emotionally and spiritually mature (Titus 1:5-8; 1 Timothy 3:1-3), and relationally pure (1 Timothy 3:4-7). In order to safeguard the deposit of faith entrusted to the Church, all Elders must demonstrate agreement with the Church’s Statement of Faith and Core Principles.

The following individuals are up for election to a two-year term as elder, to be voted on by the Arise congregation during the February 18 State of the Church meeting (listed alphabetically by last name):

Roger Jackson

Roger has been married to Kelsey Jackson for almost 13 years. They have two incredible kids, Bentley and Delaney, and currently live in Oakville. The Jacksons have been a part of Arise from the very beginning and Roger has really enjoyed the growth of both Arise and in his family. He currently serves by playing bass on the worship team, leads the sound tech team, and co-leads a small group. Roger has also served as an elder previously. He currently works as a Digital Experience Specialist at Joyce Meyer Ministries and the Social Media Director at Arise. Roger is a big fan of professional wrestling and golf.

Dr. Zach Wiersma

Zach is husband to Rebecca and father to Nate, Benny, Liza Jane, and Tabby. By vocation, he is a patent attorney. At Arise, you can find Zach serving on the worship and treasury teams. In his spare time, he likes to write and play music and play Dungeons and Dragons. Zach was raised in the church and has been a Christian his whole life. He was part of the original congregation of Arise and previously served once as an elder before a year off. When it comes to leadership in the church, Zach has a straightforward approach: “If [God] is calling me, then I will not refuse.”